Don’t Be Intimidated

Just because a woman is strong doesn't make a man weak. There is plenty of room for us all. The world is better off when women are given room to be their best. Leave your fragile ego aside. Encourage women's equality and opportunity Everyone wins when women win

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Explaining a change in pace

In order to keep writing my book, I've got to scale back on blogging a little. It's the rebalancing that is needed.... sadly... as there is only 24 hours in a day. I'm still around.. still blogging... loving writing way too much.. just being smarter about how my time is allocated. Thanks for understnading

Happy Valentine's Day A short note as to not take too much time away from your romantic plans for the day

A Moment For Love

Often we wait for birthdays, weddings, and funerals to let someone know we love them. How about we make time for love.. now. First. Love yourself first is all about making time for love.. period. Including loving others and yourself. How can you love anyone when you're depleted.

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone the best of life in this new year. Health, wealth, romance, happiness. Not necessarily in that order. Let those you love know that you love them... all year

Can Gratitude Save Love?

During the week of Thanksgiving, taking a bit of time to share a story of how love was saved by the attitude of gratitude. This story was told a few times many many years ago. A grateful heart sees more than a bitter heart. Happy Thanksgiving

A Question of Safety

Society has been failing at keeping women (and men) safe from abuse. The meme and hashtag "Me Too" says it all. We all need to rally and do our part to end the cycle of needless violence towards our fellow human being. Nobody ever asks to be abused. Let's not silence those who are hurt... let's give them voice and safety.

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